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What Type of Screens do I need?

Armin Barbei
October 9, 2022

It doesn’t matter how you smoke -- papers, wraps, spoons, bongs -- no one likes getting hit in the mouth with smoldering ash (or even worse, bits of wasted smoking blend)!It’s a very simple issue, with a very simple solution: the screen!Yet, there are so many different types of screens out there -- you might even think that with so many options on the market, choosing the wrong screen would result in a terrible sesh.

Metal Screens - These screens are the classic, everyday, pick-up-a-bunch-for-a-buck kind of screens. Metal screens are easy because they’re quite easy to shape to any bowl and even easier to cut to size, if needed. To use them, you simply push the screen down into your bowl with your thumb. If the screen is too large, cut a little of the extra material off and you shouldn’t have any issues. If your bowl is perfectly clean, your screen might pop out easily until you load your smoking blend on top of it. These screens are meant to be disposable, so no worries about taking the time to clean them!

We have A large selection of Glass Screen! 

Glass Screens - Screens are made of glass, with special shapes to help them stay in the right position. Air flows under and between the little “nubs” that surround the center stem.They’re fairly one-size-fits-all; you only need to make sure that the center prong will fit into the hole at the bottom of the bowl you’re using. Once these screens are seated properly, you’ll have a mostly-flat surface to pack your smoking blend on top of.The difference in design is mostly aesthetic. Each of these types of screens will perform almost identically, so just choose the type that you like the look of most! Cleaning this type of screen is a little tricky. You’ll need a q-tip, some glass cleaner, and maybe even a poker to scrape off anything stuck to them since there are so many tight spaces.

Built-In Screens - The middle-ground, always-around, never-let-you-down solution. If you’re constantly losing your screen or if you simply don’t want to fight with getting a screen to sit properly, these are the best choice for you! You can find built-in screens in individual bowls, dry pipes, water pipes, and more! They’re very straight-forward -- a bowl, with a screen built right in. These screens can vary in design, from star patterns to honeycombs, but they’re all designed to be an easy way to keep ash out of your mouth with minimal fuss.

Come by at Pars Market for the best selection of screens, water pipes, bubbler, oil rig,  rolling trays, and much more at reasonable prices! We look forward seeing you at Pars!

Note: Must be 21 or older to purchase this product

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9400 Snowden River Parkway

Columbia, MD 21045


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